I just love good talks with good friends. Today I had a chat with a friend who is making some big big decisions, sort of. You see, she hasn't actually made these decisions yet. She's waiting on God to tell her what to do.
And that's good, right? To seek out God's plan for yourself and find what is best for you to do in His eyes certainly can't be bad! But if it leaves you in limbo two weeks before the next semester of college starts...well then you're in a pickle.
"The two things I want most in life are perfect faith and perfect love." She said.
Perfect faith to follow what God wants me to do always. But what if God isn't telling you what to do? What if maybe the lesson you have to learn is in making your own decision.
Perfect love to love all people equally, regardless of how the smell, look, talk, or believe. Hopefully in a way to make them a better version of themselves. Something that can be achieved by simply being around people and interacting with them.
So now we come to the decision part. What can she, or anyone, do to reach this ideal state?
Life can be hard. It's hard to make decisions. To risk giving up something that means the world to you. To not know how things will work out. Or wondering if what you choose is the 'best' thing for you. I mean, trying to decide what college to go to is hard enough for me! Let alone the decisions I'm going to face in the next year...yikes..
But what if the real challenge isn't in finding the 'best' choice? What if it's in making the best of your decision? When God is silent, sometimes it means that it's time for you to step up and speak out. Dedicate yourself to your choice and give it your all, then leave the rest to Him. God will fulfill His will through your choices.
I truly believe that God is actively involved in all of His children's lives, but He will not make all of our decisions for us. We have to learn from our mistakes. Life is a learning process, full of failed attempts and small successes. If something is meant to be, it will work out. If it's not, it won't. Plain and simple.
We can't and won't learn what we are supposed to if we wait and wait and wait on an answer for every little thing. We have to be able to have the courage and faith to make our own decisions because we know ourselves and what we need and want. We have to have that confidence.
Best of luck!
Until next time,