Sunday, October 7, 2012

i've been thinking

Some things just make you think. 

Like General Conference, when they announce girls can serve a mission at age 19.  So I've been thinking. 

What do I want in life?

-I want to share my testimony through the way I live.  I want to make others want to know their Father in Heaven and their Savior.  Maybe I want to serve a mission more now than I did before.

-I want to go places where I can make a difference to people, to make their lives better, fulfilling their basic needs or sharing the gospel, or being a friend.

-I want to be able to travel to new places, meet new people, try new things.  I want to teach my kids to love and embrace other cultures.

-I want a house full of kids, driving me crazy and filling me with love.

-I want to marry my best friend and prince charming in the temple.  I want to be in love completely.  I want his favorite parts about me to be my imperfections.

-I want to make someone's life different, especially a kid.  I want to take care of a kid who might not have all the opportunities I could offer.

-I want to make friends wherever I go.  I want true friends.

-I want to be happy.  I want to always remember how blessed and how lucky I am.

-I want to be healthy and teach my kids how to be active and eat right.

-I want to live the gospel and have a strong testimony always.  I want people to know how much I love this church and my God and Savior.

-I want to learn from all my trials and grow from them.

Well, now that I sound all needy and demanding, let me explain a little.  Basically I've just described my perfect life, I know there's a lot on there, and there will probably be more someday.  Things that I think will make my life perfect.  But I know things won't be "perfect".  Because I know that God's perfect plan is so much better than mine.  I know that there will be hard things, and trials, and times that I just want to give up.  But that's the thing.  I know those times will come.  And that's part of what I want to make my life perfect.

So here's the problem.  I have big, semi-unrealistic, dreams.  There's so many things I want to do.  But there are so many more important things that I want and know are more important.

I want to do like 5 study abroads.

I want to do a dozen humantitarian projects.

I want to go on a hundren vacations.

I want to have the perfect, successful career.

I want to go spend my life on an airplane bound for new places.

I want to go live in a village in Africa and teach orphans.

I want to go adopt a needy kid from 8 different countries.

I want to do so much.  And it's all good stuff, but it's just not possible, there's not enough time, enough money, enough me.  And the other thing is, I want that other stuff so much more, and I know that it's what matters most.

So, now I'm sitting here thinking, it seems like I do that a lot, and I'm facing a major decade of decision.


Decisions that will shape, alter, and pave the road to my future. 

There may be some u-turns, some forks, some off-roading, some major highways, some detours, some merging, some ups and downs, some twists and turns.  The road won't always be clear and straight.  I might have to change cars a few times, or get repairs.  There might be construction, or I'll run out of gas.  Maybe I won't be driving the whole time.  But eventually it will all get me to where I'm supposed to go.  It will all shape who I am and determine my purpose and life.

With God's help, I will become who I am meant to be.

So bring on the prayers, the scripture studying, the tears, the stress, the joy, the fullfilment. 

Until next time,


"If God is your copilot, switch seats."

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost

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