Sunday, December 30, 2012

a good talk

I just love good talks with good friends.  Today I had a chat with a friend who is making some big big decisions, sort of.  You see, she hasn't actually made these decisions yet.  She's waiting on God to tell her what to do.

And that's good, right?  To seek out God's plan for yourself and find what is best for you to do in His eyes certainly can't be bad!  But if it leaves you in limbo two weeks before the next semester of college starts...well then you're in a pickle. 

"The two things I want most in life are perfect faith and perfect love."  She said.

Perfect faith to follow what God wants me to do always.  But what if God isn't telling you what to do?  What if maybe the lesson you have to learn is in making your own decision.

Perfect love to love all people equally, regardless of how the smell, look, talk, or believe.  Hopefully in a way to make them a better version of themselves.  Something that can be achieved by simply being around people and interacting with them.

So now we come to the decision part.  What can she, or anyone, do to reach this ideal state?

Life can be hard.  It's hard to make decisions.  To risk giving up something that means the world to you.  To not know how things will work out.  Or wondering if what you choose is the 'best' thing for you.  I mean, trying to decide what college to go to is hard enough for me!  Let alone the decisions I'm going to face in the next year...yikes..

But what if the real challenge isn't in finding the 'best' choice?  What if it's in making the best of your decision?  When God is silent, sometimes it means that it's time for you to step up and speak out.  Dedicate yourself to your choice and give it your all, then leave the rest to Him.  God will fulfill His will through your choices.

I truly believe that God is actively involved in all of His children's lives, but He will not make all of our decisions for us.  We have to learn from our mistakes.  Life is a learning process, full of failed attempts and small successes.  If something is meant to be, it will work out.  If it's not, it won't.  Plain and simple.

We can't and won't learn what we are supposed to if we wait and wait and wait on an answer for every little thing.  We have to be able to have the courage and faith to make our own decisions because we know ourselves and what we need and want.  We have to have that confidence.

Best of luck!

Until next time,


Thursday, November 22, 2012


1. the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, especially to God
2. originated in the autumn of 1621 when Plymouth pilgrims invited neighboring Indians to join their three-day festival, an idea enabled by the Indian's advice
3. a time to come together as families, stuff your faces with food, and count your blessings

So, it's Thanksgiving.  So, I should write about what I'm grateful for.  So, I will. 

Now, of course I'm grateful for all the basic, given, expected? things we have in stereotypical America.  You know, food, electricity, a home, freedom, toothpaste, erasers, etc. etc.  But today, I'm especially thankful for:

-FAMILY. There's no one that gets you better, is more happy for your successes, or loves you better.

-FRIENDS.  Good friends who understand life and what being a friend really means.  I'm grateful that I know my friends will tell me if something's not right, that they say it like it is, that I can trust them.

-GOOD CONVERSATION/DEEP TALKS.  They're just good, ya?

-PERSPECTIVE.  Lately, I've been so grateful for a good perspective on life and the knowledge of where my priorities should be.  I'm so glad the people around me help me to see things so clearly.

-OPPORTUNITIES.  Humanitarian work, JATC, volunteering, a good situation at home, I could go on...

-GRANDPA.  Oh, the wisdom of the wise.

-GOSPEL.  I honestly don't know where I would be without the foundation that the church, my Savior, the scriptures, and God have blessed me with.

-HEALTH.  I have my challenges, but they do not compare to what others are faced with.

-KNOWLEDGE.  I know right from wrong, I learn well, I have a testimony, I know who I really am.

-CAR.  I love me car.

Enjoy your time with you loved ones!  Thank God for all he has given us.  Happy Thanksgiving!!  Enjoy your shopping tomorrow!

Until next time,


Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Just a few words of wisdom courtesy of Pinterest. :)

Have a great day!!
Until next time,

Sunday, November 11, 2012

a village

If we could reduce the world's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, the demographics would look something like this:

- The village would have 61 Asians, 13 Africans, 12 Europeans, 9 Latin Americans, and 5 from the USA and Canada

- 50 would be male, 50 would be female

- 75 would be non-white; 25 white

- 67 would be non-Christian; 33 would be Christian

- 80 would live in substandard housing

- 16 would be unable to read or write

- 50 would be malnourished and 1 dying of starvation

- 33 would be without access to a safe water supply

- 39 would lack access to improved sanitation

- 24 would not have any electricity (And of the 76 that do have electricity, most would only use it for light at night)

- 8 people would have access to the Internet

- 1 would have a college education

- 1 would have a computer

- 1 would have HIV

- 2 would be near birth; 1 near death

- 5 would control 32% of the entire world's wealth; all 5 would be US citizens

- 48 would live on less than US$ 2 a day

- 20 would live on less than US$ 1 a day

When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent. The following is also something to ponder...

- If you woke up this morning with more health than are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

- If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation ... you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

- If you can attend an ideological meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or are more blessed that three billion people in the world.

- If you can read this article of perspective, you are more fortunate than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.

- If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

Next summer I have two amazing opportunities.  I will be travelling to Vietnam and Fiji for humanitarian work.  Volunteering has always been my passion, but going on a humanitarian trip has always been my DREAM.  I can't believe it's coming true!

I will be going to Vietnam through a program called Youthlinc.  In order to qualify, I will be required to complete at least 80 hours of local volunteer work and raise over $2000.  I will be going to Song Cau, Vietnam, an area devastated and still recovering from the effects of the Vietnam War over three decades ago.  Most families in this area live on less that US$1.50.  They live in mud and thatched roof huts.  Although public education is now free, most children are working to help support their families and so cannot attend school.  They are faced with disturbing sanitation, education, economical, and living conditions.  Through Youthlinc, I will be able to help teach the children, learn about the culture, help start small businesses to grow the local economy, teach about sanitation, and construct stable homes and schools, all while gaining humanitarian and leadership skills. 

For Fiji, I will be going through a program called HEFY, and will be able to work with villagers to help bring their small, underdeveloped village increased sanitation through the building of bathrooms in homes without plumbing.  I will also be able to help teach the people about health and hygiene so that their standard of living will increase.

I cannot even express how grateful I am for these opportunities.  I know that the preparation before, and the time spent in country, will be some of the hardest work I've ever done, but every time I think of the people I will meet and the lives I will help change, my heart throbs with the love I already have for them and I start feel sad thinking that after the time I'll be spending with them, that I'll have to leave.  Most importantly, I can already feel the change this opportunity is making in me, and I know that I will be so much of a better person because of it.

If you, your business, or anyone you know would be willing and able to donate just $20, I would appreciate it so much.  To do so, follow these simple instructions:
1) Go to
2) Click on the DONATE page
4) Enter my name and the registration number #742
5) Once the payment is processed, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you which can be used for tax deduction purposes.


“I expect to pass through life but once.  If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.”
~William Penn
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
~Margaret Mead

Until next time,



Sunday, October 21, 2012

so good

Some things are just so good, ya know?

Like the excitement that builds up right before a trip.

Or the countdown drawn on your back door.

Or getting off the plane and having a lady dressed in 12 shades of blue tell you she likes your "volunteer" t-shirt.

Or playing with your sisters on the beach.


Or seeing dolphins while you boogie board.

Or eating dinner outside with your family while the sun sets over the ocean.

Or attempting to make Mickey in the sand.

Or singing hymns while running through the breaking waves like an airplane.

Or getting 24 hour donuts at 12:01 AM.

Or going on a run along the beach in the morning, listening to the crashing waves and seagulls chirping.

Or taking a cliche "NO LIFEGUARD" picture in your new lifeguard shirt.

Or biking along the boardwalk with no hands and seeing an upside down stop sign.

Or seeing your baby sister's smile going down splash mountain.

Or waiting for an hour and a half behind a cute little family of three princesses to ride the new Cars ride and then exploring Cars Land at night.


Or getting the coolest water bottle thermos ever.

Or going to the beach for a final time before going home.

"where's the beach?" request by dad

Or coming home to your best friend's smiling face.

Or sleeping in your bed, alone, for the first time in a week, dreaming of those happy memories you've just made.

Until next time,

Monday, October 15, 2012

dream big dreams

So I found this quote yesterday, and decided it's my new motto.
"The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal.  The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.  It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream."
-Benjamin Elijah Mays
So any time someone tells you your dream is too big, or unrealistic, or excessive, or unreachable,  DON'T LISTEN.  You've got to have that something that keeps you wanting to move forward.  That gets you excited to wake up the next day.  That fulfills you.  That makes you happy.  And even if that dream does end up being too big, at least you had it.  And that says so much.
Dream big dreams.
Until next time,

Sunday, October 7, 2012

i've been thinking

Some things just make you think. 

Like General Conference, when they announce girls can serve a mission at age 19.  So I've been thinking. 

What do I want in life?

-I want to share my testimony through the way I live.  I want to make others want to know their Father in Heaven and their Savior.  Maybe I want to serve a mission more now than I did before.

-I want to go places where I can make a difference to people, to make their lives better, fulfilling their basic needs or sharing the gospel, or being a friend.

-I want to be able to travel to new places, meet new people, try new things.  I want to teach my kids to love and embrace other cultures.

-I want a house full of kids, driving me crazy and filling me with love.

-I want to marry my best friend and prince charming in the temple.  I want to be in love completely.  I want his favorite parts about me to be my imperfections.

-I want to make someone's life different, especially a kid.  I want to take care of a kid who might not have all the opportunities I could offer.

-I want to make friends wherever I go.  I want true friends.

-I want to be happy.  I want to always remember how blessed and how lucky I am.

-I want to be healthy and teach my kids how to be active and eat right.

-I want to live the gospel and have a strong testimony always.  I want people to know how much I love this church and my God and Savior.

-I want to learn from all my trials and grow from them.

Well, now that I sound all needy and demanding, let me explain a little.  Basically I've just described my perfect life, I know there's a lot on there, and there will probably be more someday.  Things that I think will make my life perfect.  But I know things won't be "perfect".  Because I know that God's perfect plan is so much better than mine.  I know that there will be hard things, and trials, and times that I just want to give up.  But that's the thing.  I know those times will come.  And that's part of what I want to make my life perfect.

So here's the problem.  I have big, semi-unrealistic, dreams.  There's so many things I want to do.  But there are so many more important things that I want and know are more important.

I want to do like 5 study abroads.

I want to do a dozen humantitarian projects.

I want to go on a hundren vacations.

I want to have the perfect, successful career.

I want to go spend my life on an airplane bound for new places.

I want to go live in a village in Africa and teach orphans.

I want to go adopt a needy kid from 8 different countries.

I want to do so much.  And it's all good stuff, but it's just not possible, there's not enough time, enough money, enough me.  And the other thing is, I want that other stuff so much more, and I know that it's what matters most.

So, now I'm sitting here thinking, it seems like I do that a lot, and I'm facing a major decade of decision.


Decisions that will shape, alter, and pave the road to my future. 

There may be some u-turns, some forks, some off-roading, some major highways, some detours, some merging, some ups and downs, some twists and turns.  The road won't always be clear and straight.  I might have to change cars a few times, or get repairs.  There might be construction, or I'll run out of gas.  Maybe I won't be driving the whole time.  But eventually it will all get me to where I'm supposed to go.  It will all shape who I am and determine my purpose and life.

With God's help, I will become who I am meant to be.

So bring on the prayers, the scripture studying, the tears, the stress, the joy, the fullfilment. 

Until next time,


"If God is your copilot, switch seats."

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost

Monday, October 1, 2012

peanut butter brownies

1 C butter or margarine
1 C sugar
1 C brown sugar
2/3 C peanut butter
2 eggs
2 C flour
1 tsp soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 C oatmeal
1 tsp vanilla
directions: cream butter, sugar, and brown sugar; add peanut butter and eggs; combine flour, soda, salt, oatmeal, and vanilla; add dry ingredients to peanut butter mix; mix well; spread onto greased jelly roll pan; bake at 350 for 20-25 mins; frost with topping when cool.
5 C powdered sugar
4 T butter or margarine
1 C peanut butter
1 sm (5 oz) can evaporated milk
1/2 C chocolate chips
directions: cream all ingredients together and spread on top of cookie; drizzle melted chocolate on top.
The mess...

I had to leave a section without chocolate
for my crazy chocolate hating friend, Carly 
I really struggled with melting the chocolate,
burnt in pan, who knows what in white bowl,
and finally melted in red bowl!!

FINAL PRODUCT!  Yummy..or so I hear..
So, listen.  Here's the story of why I made these absolutely delicious peanut butter brownies, when I can't even eat them.

I've been noticing there's a lot of bad stuff in the world.  And it's been hitting close to home a lot lately, me, my friends, my family, my neighbors.

Not loyal people.
Peer pressure.

I could go on.  But you get the picture, and I'm sure there's stuff you could add.  Bad stuff.

So I decided to try to cheer some people up.  I wrote little cards to my friends and took them some brownies, and chatted if they needed to.  For some of them, it was no more than just telling me about school, for others it was more.  And for me, doing that cheered me up. 

Even though my night of service kinda took a detour, it still made me feel better for a while. 

But, you see, the bad stuff didn't go away.  And it's not going toLife's hard.  And you're strong.  So you put on a happy face and make the best of it.  And you learn.  And you growYou fix your mistakes and you become better.

Life's not perfect and it's not meant to be.  You just have to trust that God has a plan special for Y.O.U.  That everything that's happened, that's happening, and that will happen is part of that.  You've got to have faith that it will work out how it's meant to be.
So it's your turn.  Go make someone's day!  Make yourself an army of good things to kill all of those bad ones.

The End.

Until next time,


p.s. the brownies really are amazing! try 'em out!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Soo, I'm kinda a health junkie. The problem is, I'm kinda a food junkie, too. Oh, and I don't really always love to exercise.

So, last week, after realizing that the food junkie part had taken over my health junkie part, and the exercise lover in me was hibernating, I decided I was sick of it and committed myself to embark on a quest to be healthier!

...It's not that I'm unhealthy either, it's just that I'm ready to make myself feel better inside, and maybe look better outside... ;)

Anyway, to jump-start this quest, I'm doing a (semi-insane) cleansing diet!

It goes like this:

(you only eat what is listed, then add in what is listed every week after)

Week One:
water (lots and lots of water!)

Week Two:
add fruit

Week Three:
add legumes (beans and peanuts)

Week Four:
add whole grains

Week Five:
add red meat

Week Six:
add dairy

Sounds pretty basic, and maybe not too hard, but it is! This first week has consisted of A LOT of carrots, pistachios, chicken, and crystal light drink mixes (my new obsession!) to make be feel like I'm getting something kinda fruity.

So, if any of the three people who might ever stumble across this little blog decide they want to do this cleanse (or if I ever want to look back and do it again), here's some of my week #1 tips:

  • celery with almond butter is delicious
  • sauteing veggies (like asparagus, peppers, onions, avocado, etc) with scrambled eggs and topping with salsa makes a descent dinner
  • sauteing veggies and grill chicken in Hendrickson's salad dressing is a good lunch or dinner 
  • add seasonings to everything
  • don't overdo it on the sodium
  • giving up carbs is hard, so try making sweet potato chips or fries to substitute with
  • spending the time to make the healthier food for snacks (ie: shelling pistachios, sauteing veggies) somehow makes them yummier
  • eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper, but don't limit yourself to three meals
  • eat when you're hungry and don't worry about counting calories, your body will tell you what you need
  • don't expect to exercise much the first week, maybe just 2 or 3 days of light exercise, because you won't have as much energy.  you'll also want more sleep.
  • you can limit the time frame to 3 or four days for each phase if you don't want to spend a month and a half on it
  • it's your diet.  so if you feel like you need to change or adapt it to your lifestyle, do it!
  • stick it out.  YOU CAN DO IT!

And trust me, you will feel so much better after just one day!

you have to
what you

Wishing us luck,

Until next time,


Monday, September 17, 2012

my own little miracle

God works in mysterious ways.

Who would have known that driving around at eleven o'clock at night, windows down, heat flaming, music blasting, would become my own little miracle?

It wasn't a big miracle. It was just one of those, thank you God, for watching over me, kind of miracles.

I was discouraged, frustrated, confused, sad, tired. I was tired of trying to be perfect for everyone. Facing a decision that left me confused and unsure. Discouraged by a upcoming situation I wasn't sure I wanted to go through with. Frustrated with my doubts and sorrowful attitude about it all.

I desperately needed peace. Comfort. Hope. Reassurance.

So I took my dad's car, and drove. Drove and drove and drove. I didn't know where I was going, or what I expected to find, but I needed to put my life on hold and escape for a little while.

I turned the music up, put down the windows and the sun roof, and drove. I let myself stop thinking and just feel. I felt the cold air blowing all around me, and turned on the heat. I felt the speakers vibrating, the pulses hitting my legs and chest. I felt myself singing loud, and heard how off pitch I was, but I didn't care. It felt good.

I had no idea where to go. I drove past my favorite hiking trail head. I drove up big hills and back down other ones. And then I decided to go to the lookout point. A place where I hoped it would be quiet and peaceful. And it was.

I got to the lookout and gazed over the valley. The lights shining below me, my home. I turned off the car, set my phone aside, disconnected, and sat on the hood, hugging my knees to my chest. I looked at the beauty that was around me, how had I forgotten how very blessed I am? Then I leaned back and looked up. Gazing back at me was a pure, clear, blanket of stars, seeming to shelter me from everything I had stressed about.

I allowed myself to open my mind again, and think. I thought about where I should go? Who I wanted to be? Why I was so discouraged? Everything. I let the thoughts and answers creep in to my mind slowly. I found myself praying after a while. Asking God what to do, sharing with Him all my petty high school problems, my questions and worries about the future, my hopes and dreams, my passion to do the things I love, my desire to become who He needs and wants me to be.

I didn't have any amazing revelations, or divine answers. Just a reassurance and peace, that God is watching over me. That through one of those bright stars above me, God is looking down and making sure I don't mess things up too bad. That Jesus is looking after me, like a protective big brother, whispering everything will work out in the end, and, I understand what you're going through like no one else in the world does. Maybe even my ancestors, my great-grandparents and my friends in heaven are keeping an eye on me, being my guardian angels.

I felt calm and content with life, and growing up. I realized that I can't be perfect for everyone.

I can't be a perfect daughter
a social butterfly
a deep thinker
an inspired scholar
a spiritually enlightened example
an intimate friend to everyone.

I just can't, and that's okay. I can only be me.

Just little ol' me with my perfectly imperfect flaws. With my wild dreams and plans. With an urge to do something spontaneous every once in a while. Who loves the wind blowing through her crazy curls and singing at the top of her lungs, completely off key.  Who day dreams about love and going to Africa. Who wants to have a six pack. Who loves God and the mountains. Who wants the back drop of her first kiss to be a sunset. Who is learning more and more about herself each day.

And maybe to God, I am perfect in my own way. That I am perfect for whatever he needs me to do and be. And that every day I do my best to be my best, I am making Him proud.

That's my own little miracle.

Until next time,